Orell Füssli Wallet

Orell Füssli Wallet is your one-stop-shop for learning all there is about the history, design and security features of Swiss banknotes.

About the project

Orell Füssli’s goal was to create a learning platform and familiarize the general population with all the science and artistry that goes into the creation and production of banknotes. During the ideation process, I introduced a number of unique features that convey that goal in an efficient manner. First and foremost, the user can scan a banknote – and a machine learning model will determine if the banknote is a Swiss franc. Scanning unlocks the banknote in the app and starts the user on a journey of discovery.  Convenient controls let the user zoom and flip the banknote, as well as switch between different light modes (sunlight, UV, infrared); then, the user can tap on individual parts of each banknote and learn about design and security features. As a capstone of their learning, the user can take a quiz; tying everything together is an advanced progression system that tracks every action the user makes and rewards them with points.


Product Design (User Research & Journey, Wireframes, High-Fidelity Mockup); Visual Design (Graphic Design, UI)

Tools & Methodology

Figma, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator